Catholic Games Reviews

Friday, May 1, 2015

Priesthood as summoner

As I prepare for my ordination to the sacred priesthood, I have been thinking a little bit and drawing some spiritual fruits from seeing priesthood as in some ways analogous to the role of the summoner in ffx.

The summoner is set aside from the people, is called from among them in order to represent the people and to offer a sacrifice for them. The summoner's life is for others, that is, the summoner literally performs a summon that will bring about a period of peace for the people but it will be at the expense of his life.

The Catholic priesthood is a sharing in the sacrificial priesthood of Jesus Christ, His work is extended through time and space.

Sharing in Christ's priesthood means sharing in His victimhood because Christ only saves humanity by being a priestly victim.

So the Catholic priest sets His life aside, is willing to offer his life as a sacrifice in order to enable Christ's redemptive work to reach more souls.

When the hands are laid in you, it is like a mortal blow, a death sentence, as it was for the lamb about to be sacrificed. I embrace it for the salvation of souls and out of love of Jesus Christ the one high priest.

1 comment:

  1. I would love it if Catholic game creators can create a Virtumon Go, an alternative to Pokémon go. Instead of running around collecting pocket monsters with demonic powers controlling the earth's elements, wind and fire.... kids can get their Virtumon characters to gain power by the child performing real acts of virtue.
