Thursday, September 18, 2008

Looks Like I'm Not the Only Catholic Who Enjoys Video Games...

Brian Saint-Paul has written a quaint little piece over at Inside Catholic today regarding the new Pew research study which aparently found that 97 percent of American kids play video games. Being a gamer himself, Brian Saint-Paul does not use this study as an excuse to lambast the video game medium and the people who enjoy and utilize it, but actually thinks the findings of the study could be a good thing.

I guess I'm just glad that Catholics are on the forefront of the video game defense force these days. Video game "legislation" is a popular pandering point for politicians of many persuasions - everyone from Hillary Clinton to Sam Brownback seems to think it's a good idea. In Britian, it's not at all uncommon to see the Daily Mail publish asinine articles attacking the video game medium for causing virtually every societal ailment. The Fox News Mass Effect fiasco demonstrates that American news networks are equally nefarious in their treatment of the medium.

Kudos to InsideCatholic. It's nice to see that SOMEBODY gets it...

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