Saturday, April 18, 2009


Frequent readers of this blog have doubtlessly noticed the dearth of postings during the past month and a half that roughly coincided with the Lenten season. Hopefully they have also noticed the recent flurry of activity that has accompanied Easter's arrival, as well!

Catholic Video Gamers welcomes two additional staffers to its ranks: Arturo Felix and Charles Harmata. Both are well versed in the technological knowledge that has allowed for the Easter renovation of the CVG webpage, and their expertise in this field is supplemented with a plethora of gaming knowledge that is, needless to say, informed by a strong Catholic faith. They'll both be posting their own introductions soon enough - stay tuned for more from each of them in the near future!

In addition to the blog's new banner and general aesthetic overhaul, CVG is now proud to announce its two patron saints: St. Isidore (being patron saint of the internet, he seemed like a natural choice for a patron of a weblog) and St. Gabriel the archangel. May their intercession guide and protect all who visit this webpage to the loving embrace of the Savior. St. Isidore and St. Gabriel the archangel, pray for us!

Finally, with the school year winding down, (all four staffers here are students), the impending summer vacation should provide ample opportunities for us all to keep CVG more frequently updated. None of us are planning to "blog-vanish" anytime soon; please keep us all in your prayers as the academic year comes to a close!

St. Apollonius the apologist, pray for us!

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