Sunday, April 18, 2010

Console games on a Laptop screen

I don't really want to have a television in my seminary room and I couldn't afford the TV licence either, so I use a little device called EasyCap (and there are tonnes of clone devices with different names) all on ebay for around £10. The device converts the three colour wires that would normally go into a scart lead into a USB head. The USB goes into your PC/Laptop and then you use a video capture program to capture the video coming out of the USB. A decent free program is VirtualDub, a better premium one is AMCap.

Anyway, all this means I can play PS2 games or XBOX 360 on my Laptop screen. There is a tiny lag time between input and display and small sound sync delay but for playing RPGs it is more than sufficient. The device is useful to record the stuff happening in the game and so my brother wants to borrow it to continue his boss walkthroughs for games beyond 5th generation consoles.


Andy Kirchoff said...

Most of my brother seminarians just use the widescreen in our lounge when we want to play some Call of Duty or FFXIII...but this IS a viable solution for those who don't want to invest in the bulky bigscreen.

Miles Mariae said...

Some of us are raising the issue of purchasing a house Xbox 360 for our common room at our AGM ;)

There are 40 of us here, if even half of us chipped in a tenner we would be pretty much there.

I do hope it happens ;) I have dreams already of pro evo tournament taking place.