Tuesday, June 28, 2011

About that SCOTUS ruling...

All the juicy info is over at http://gamepolitics.com/2011/06/27/esrb039s-reaction-statement-scotus-decision. I like the ESRB's take: empowering parents is the best way to go. I think that is a position that Magisterial-minded Catholics could agree with.

We've had plenty of discussions about video game violence and the like on this blog in the past. Now might be a good time to revisit them; in any case, a good Catholic approach to the issue can be found here:


Don't let the mask of "prudence" and "protecting children" lead you into rejecting Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Great page. Keep on keeping on. Would you be interested in reviewing any games in namco's "Tales of..." series? I enjoyed Symphonia, Phantasia, and Abyss. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the series: religious and moral overtones, disgusting amounts of fanservice,etc. Loved your review on Vesperia. God Bless.