Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ok, so we've seen all the press conferences. Zelda. Killzone 3. Golden Sun DS. A Gears of War rip-off...blah, blah, blah. I'll be honest: nothing too interesting so far, and at this point, the only revelations we can expect are impressions from the show floor. Ah well... I'm too busy playing Pokemon right now to care! Maybe if they announce FFXIII Versus for the 360...or an new F-Zero game...

Anything noteworthy from my fellow gamers? That new Xbox 360 slim looks pretty nifty...


Paul Giacchetto said...

That 3DS looks like an impressive piece of hardware. 3D without glasses? Awesome! Also, they're reviving Star Fox 64 and Ocarina of Time on the 3DS.

Xystvs said...

There are some very nifty indy-style games coming out that have piqued my interest. Namely "Journey" and "Limbo".

That 4 player Castlevania game has potential as well.

Incidentally, I had the opportunity to attend the closing mass for the "Year of the Priest" at the Vatican. It was an amazing experience to see a mass with over 15,000 concelebrants.